Aldo and I have started researching associates(mission organizations) of MedSend. MedSend repays medical student loans for people entering long term medical missions. Obviously most associates could use a PA-C (physician assistant) and myself and the kids would travel with Aldo but as I step back and try to think of our future I feel like I have nothing to offer. I know the "pat answer" to my own questions and that where ever we are I will be used but with no skill or formal education in any area I just feel so useless. As I am reading through applications I feel like all I can say is "I am passionate about serving people and I am a mom." Which on paper doesn't seem very appealing in my opinion. I wish I could say, "I can teach" or "I am a nurse". Something with tangible licensure. I know that we are called to serve and I am a firm believer in God taking care of everything, its just my practical, logical self that doesn't see how I will be contributing on the mission field, here or abroad. All I have done is make beautiful babies and be a parent. I feel like I should have some skill or ability to offer...but I don't see what that is right now.



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