
I think I was half joking when I mentioned in a previous post that I would save "obedience" for another day.  Obedience is so complex that my simplified version that I am sharing today is only one small facet of true obedience to the Lord. Just keep that in mind.  I am sure there is plenty to be added to what I am sharing, and as always...take the meat and leave the bones!  My revelations and personal anecdotes about my walk with Jesus are just that - mine.  I simply share them in hopes that some how God is glorified through my writing and honesty about my personal faith.

 Obey - to follow the commands or guidance of; to conform to or comply with

I don't know about you, but when I think of obedience my mind associates the word with feelings of negativity.  I think this is natural for my human state of being, because we are so often taught to embrace our individuality and avoid conforming to some other person's idea of who we are.  As a result of being parented and raised in the western culture, some of us have been exposed to negative authority.  Being a parent does not mean you always parent well, and the gift of authority that we as parents are entrusted with is not to be taken lightly.  Even those of us whose parents had the best intentions undoubtedly left an impression of negative authority on us at some point in our lives.  This can be true of teachers and family members who were given a place of authority in our young lives as well. 

The thing about Jesus is that He is perfect.  As a father, a teacher, a husband to the Church - in all His authority there is no negativity.  Reprove - yes, negativity - no. The beautiful thing about obedience to a perfect authority is that it is positive and reaps great benefits.  Perhaps one of the greatest principles of Christianity is obedience.  Current Christian movements seem to avoid this topic or water it down, perhaps from a fear of coming across as religious or legalistic.  Unfortunately this does not negate the importance of the principle of obedience.  The weight and relevance of the issue of obedience is stated fully in John 14:21:

"Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."

Isn't it interesting how the all important principle of love goes hand in hand with obedience?  If we obey, we are conforming - conforming to Jesus!  Conform means to give the same shape, outline, or contour to something.  Obedience to Jesus means we are being given the same shape, outline, and contour of Him!  So in order to truly fulfill our role as Christians (that is to be progressively sanctified in order to reflect the glory of the Lord), we must be obedient to Him. 

Later, in my next post, I'll explore ways that we can be obedient.  Until then, meditate on 1 John 2:5-6:

"But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did."



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