Sorry for the absence!  What a crazy month August has been.  I really enjoyed my intersession government class and this week began my last 3 classes for my AAS!  I know that so often I downplay how important this is to me.  Despite its paltry standing next to Aldo's soon to be completed Masters in Medicine, this little Associates degree has a lengthy history and intimate importance for me. 

An interesting thought that has been cultivating in my mind since l began classes in the spring is that I really enjoy learning.  I think this is a developed interest.  There were so many layers of seemingly unrelated issues that proceeded this degree completion.  I won't go into all of that, but now that I am where I am with my education, I am so very satisfied with everything and relishing the knowledge being dished out.  Being able to take a class geared more towards my ultimate interest in writing just brings me such deep joy.  Being challenged on a creative level satiates some part of my being and I am beginning to realize how completely designed I am.  This realization makes me happy. Thank you Jesus for DESIGNING me.  We are not some haphazard, post-thought to creation... just think about how intricately designed you are and rejoice in the God who created you to be you.



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